Sunday, June 13, 2010

Technology for teachers

I love this site and the RSS feed. Technology For Teachers
If you are a teacher using technology,may find this site very helpful.
Below is one of the RSS feeds I received from technology for teachers. Great Ebook
Michael Zimmer, who writes The Pursuit of Technology Integration Happiness, has published a great 17 page ebook titled Tools for the 21st Century Teacher. In the ebook Michael outlines a variety of web-based tools that can be used in almost any classroom regardless of content area. Michael does a particularly good job of explaining Prezi and Glogster and how those two resources can be used in the classroom. You can view the document below or download it here

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Refurbished Computers

I read this on my Education IT RSS titled Happily Refurbished

With cuts affecting all areas of our school's budgets, we need to think of creative ways to keep technology current. I found this article on why it is ok to trust purchasing refurbished computers. You can even purchase systems for yourself or your children. I am not sure how it will work out over a long period of time but I do believe it is worth looking in to. Love to hear if anyone knows of a school system that has purchased refurbished equipment.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Will the iPad and Similar Technology Revolutionize Learning? | Edutopia

Will the iPad and Similar Technology Revolutionize Learning? Edutopia

I found this through my RSS feed with Edutopia. It is actually a blog from Bob Lenz ( CEO and co-founder of Envision schools).who had just left a conference in DC, of education entrepreneurs from across the country exploring themes of technology and innovation.

His blog ask some great questions to ponder about using new technologies to improve our students educational experience.

The responses to the blog are great and wll worth reading. They range from those who are pro technology at all stages of education, some who worry about how technology will change the social atmosphere of our children and even those they feel that the advancements of technology will replace the traditional teacher.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Lady Gaga Stars at Sister's High School Graduation

This was on Fox Boston RSS feed:

Lady Gaga Stars at Sister's High School Graduation

This is a story about Lady Gaga who attended her sister's graduation in an outfit that all would notice. She said she did this because she wanted to flaunt to all those at the school who once bullied her. She wanted them to see what a success she has become despite how she was treated in school.

I think this is a great story to share with students who walk to the beat of their own drum. These students sometimes can feel so isolated, which makes them a target for bullying.

Laptop controversy in Beverly

Laptop controversy in Beverly

I received this in my Google reader from My Fox Boston. My first thoughts was this is awesome, long over due.. It looks like they have all the bases covered. But then I thought why Mac's? Most business do not use Mac's. Most families own PC's. You can get a nice laptop for under $600.00 and a school system buying in bulk would get a much better deal.

I love the idea of having students in high school have laptops but I am not sure I agree with their choice of platforms.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Future of technology in middle schools

This article titled Last Hired, First Fired that was a RSS feed from Teacher magazine, raises some great points. It talks about the pros and cons of the " list" . Below is my personal experience with the " list"

As this school year comes to end, I must confess it has been one of the most stressful years i have experienced in a long time. This has nothing to do with my students but with my job security. I found out that my principal had recommended that they cut a technology position at my school. We have three technology teachers, one for each grade. I have the lowest seniority of the three.

Now I certainly understand that with budget cuts schools are making difficult cuts to meet their budgets. I have been a victim of cuts when Plymouth decided to end technology classes in their middle schools. More and more schools are doing this. It is my opinion that they feel the kids will pick up these skills on their own.

What I do not understand is why technology. Educational technology is always being stressed at every level of assessment. Technology is the future and if our kids are behind in this field they will find it difficult in the job market. These day what job does not use some form of technology?

Now I know that since technology is not a focus of MCAS, then it is not considered an essential class. But do administrators really believe that?

I know that all educators feel that their class is just as important as another. The middle school philosophy is to give students many different classes to help them find an area that they may choose to continue to follow at a higher level.

Luckily my job was saved( for now) thanks to the state not cutting as much of the aide to the town as first projected. But I think being on the cutting block is my future and the future of technology education at many school. Sad!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Net Neutrality

To be honest I never heard about Net Neutrality until this week. Once I began reading and watching videos on the subject, I thought why have I not heard about this issue before.

I understand that the objective to net neutrality is to basically keep the Internet as is. Free and equal to all. So I wanted to learn more, but the more I read and watched on the subject, the more confused I got.

Personally, I do not want my Internet experience to be governed by my ISP. I want to be able to access any and all sites with the same speed.

But I am also beginning to see the other side...As a business I am always looking for ways to increase my revenue. So if a company like Google is willing to
pay for my company to have a faster speed as long as I make them the search engine for my customers. As a business I promote this faster speed to my clients and get them to "buy" into this featuere. I relate this to cable TV, if I want the premium channels I have to pay more.

As a person who uses the web ALOT.. I am in favor of Net Neutrality. I do not want to pay more for what I have now. Now that I have been informed of this topic I will be watching to see how it develops.
These are links to the videos and articles I read on Net Neutrality